The first step is the hardest part

The hardest part is taking the first step.

What does that even mean? Getting in shape is a big one in the coming months, new jobs, new schools, new endeavours?

For me it’s more - it’s the decisions I make everyday with the future in mind because I know the choices I make now will ‘shape’ who I am tomorrow. It’s not easy and sometimes the path seems daunting but regret is scarier than risk! I refuse to let fear and uncertainty control my destiny.

I’d also add that taking the first step needn’t mean starting all over or at the beginning. So many people say they’re ‘too old’, or ‘too young’ or ‘too unfit’ or too something! What if wherever you are, the world has been educating you all along? You already know so much more than you think you know. You’re not too young, you’ve fresh ideas, you’re not finished; you’re merely ready!

There’s something magnificent about encouraging someone to step forward from her own self respect - at last - especially when creating something brave and new.

So take the first step even if it’s scary. You never know where it might lead you.

Join us for our 20 for 20: 20 min movement a day for 20 days (December 22-January 10). Yes, our busiest and holiday-est time of year. Cos if we can do this, we can do anything! And habits thru change last a lifetime!!! DM for details.


The good, the bad and the seedy


You have to move energy to make it