Uncoil this Season

We’re leaving Summer and heading into Autumn here in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s the changy-est changy time of year!

When you think of Spring, everyone thinks cleanses and detoxes and things you should be doing. As we near the end of Summer, warmth and energy and go go go, we enter Autumn where leaves fall and our habits change with them. Winter is a time of hibernation, of storage and slowing and knuckling down. Then hoping you’re ready and rested and loaded up ready for Spring?

Whatever the season, are you ready?

For me the beginning of the year is supercharged with ambition and many of us (myself included) run at a hundred miles an hour. Which is great! But we also need to evaluate if we’re moving in the right direction at that speed more time than any. And so once a quarter I take a short break to review my path and check in on my progress too.


Go by how you feel.

But do you know know?

Every morning I do a self assessment as a daily process of warming my body up. From there I can work out how to adapt my training variables. Each quarter, I have a few movement flows, mobility dowel sequences, a 5km run I love and a few kid-lead requests I use to checkin I’m up for the test. Why these? Because my ‘program’ consists of moving my body everyday, every way. I need to check in for my quarterly still-can-dos as well as mum-try-this-and-this.

What are your checkins? Can you use this quarterly changy-est of changy times to gauge your path is going where you want and reward yourself for your progress to now in even the smallest way?

Ok. Back to it. Let’s go go go!


What are your Whys?


Adjust your Eating Rhythm