Check in: more than records

We’ve just wrapped up testing week at fitbynature. And it was actually a lot of fun!

For a lot of folks, testing might sound routine and mundane but for anyone who’s just completed those tests on themselves, that view couldn’t be more opposite! Seeing where you’re at can of course be humbling, but more and more it’s inspiring for how much you’ve really been practicing and just where you want to go next.

Sure we:

  • Look for stiffness and pain in our range of motion cos you can’t move freely with that s**t

  • Look at our aerobic capacity, cos capacity, endurance, recovery are all gifts of this amazing innate system we gotta keep at its potential too

  • Look at our mobility, cos you can’t strengthen where you can’t go and who doesn’t want mo’ ability!

  • And we look at your individual projects, from handstands to run distances to chin up progression to numbers on the weight bar. We’re all different

Our most important test is at the end: testing day is exhausting! It’s all we’ve been working on for an 8 week cycle in one hour! But it’s a mega reminder firstly that it’s only once every two months, that training isn’t this abusive race to the end but a strategic use of our sympathetic nervous system, maximising stress to your benefit then getting out of it asap, then into your parasympathetic nervous system to maximise joy and healing and living, man!

As always we finish up with games. Yes, when you’re done we ask for more. And more fun at that! Being athletic, being able to play games and activities that excite you, is a vital part of every ongoing program. It’s the ultimate reminder to stay curious, open minded and open hearted and growing not shrinking with age. Sure decline is inevitable, but building solidarity on your frame, rediscovering your range of movement and effortlessness and energy to face whatever and still be able to take that next step is worth more than any record!


When life interferes


Conditioning for chaos (part 3)