Back to normal programming

With a company name like fitbynature, it’s little wonder I’m a big believer in asking your environment to understand where you’re at as you move through it, that the more you respect your unique needs and adapt to your environment the most harmonious your life and your body will also avoid many injuries that come from imposing training protocols that are repeated within the same four walls. Coming ‘back to normal’ programming for training after a break is really no different - simply ask what does your body need and what does your environment offer?

While every session involves a checkin disguised as a warm up and every 8 weeks we conduct a bigger checkin disguised as testing and grading, coming back after a break is, you guessed it, a checkin disguised as a comeback! Try asking these questions of your renewed commitment:

  • Have I scheduled it

  • How can I outside the gym (& integrate my training (or practice) into real life

  • Who can I enlist as an exercise buddy

  • How will I make time for rest and recovery

  • How can I start back slowly (this also helps you feel like you kick ass even more when you lift!)

  • How can I set new fitness goals (from my current not personal best benchmarks)

  • How can I stay accountable (enlist your partner, join a group, signup for an event with a good lead up time, enlist a coach!)

Coming back to it can be the very best choice you’ve made. It reminds me of a saying: No matter your age, you'll always wish you started younger. But today is the youngest you'll ever be’.

Start (back) now, just start! LFG!


Feeling the pain all over!


Book review: Pottenger’s Cats