Get uncomfortable consistently, or choose bigger

As you’ll know if you’ve been following me for awhile, I commit to a daily self assessment and I’ve recently found a good amount of lost function which is annoying when you give your body a good old daily go through, but also a reminder that you can’t do it ‘once and done’.

One of the things I recognize is that I need to push my body at times into supreme discomfort in order to not only improve but to move around a space I’m not moving through. And we can stack this with spiritual, mental and emotional growth I suppose! Unless I go there, I’m here. 

Just like when we lift weights we create microtears in the muscle tissue that repair stronger so we get stronger - it's going to be difficult, and too hard. And if it doesn't feel uncomfortable consistently on the way, you’ve got to choose a bigger thing. If it’s easy or even too easy, you’ll train easy, and not repair stronger and grow, so stagnate.

It makes you think that: if there’s something you’d like to change or achieve, you’re going to have to take yourself a few points into supreme discomfort, consistently.

Those moments of discomfort are where achievements are created from. Consistently, daily and uncomfortably.

To do today

Self assess your body head to toe:

  • Start when you’re still in bed and wiggle your toes, ankles, calves all the way up to your nose

  • Have a tall glass of filtered water and a pinch of salt for electrolytes. Go to the loo!

  • Walk in the sunshine, or even in the cold - implement a gratitude practice and feel your emotions

  • Have a cold shower and breathe through any ‘pain’ (stress) you feel from it: regulating your pain receptors which are next to your temperature receptors means you can breathe through the cold to breathe through the pain. 

  • Do a movement self assessment, start on your hands and knees moving your wrists, elbows, shoulders, cat and cow for your spine, some hip swivels in shin box and ankles. Anything will do to check in with how you’re feeling, the more you do it, the better you’ll get and feeling into what works well and what needs work.

  • Workout what you need to workout (even if this in itself becomes your ‘workout’ for the day!)

  • Find two points of supreme discomfort you can go through today and let those microtears repair stronger and make you stronger

  • Journal while you’re here and go through the same self assessment for your mind and spirit. Sigh deeply. You got this. 


Move your way back


Sleep like you’re being paid for it