5 things about breakfast I wish I knew sooner
Just because something is called breakfast (cereal, pastry or smoothie) doesn't mean it belongs to breakfast!
Breakfast breaks your longest fast of the day (hence: break-fast). Your body is changing more than it does at any other time of your day: from sleep to awake, unconscious to conscious, detox to operate. Hormonal changes, sunlight changes, activity changes. And so it makes sense why your body is extra sensitive at this time. That sensitivity applies to starches and sugars especially but also your stomach acid is at its lowest in the morning (and ironically proteins at breaky help activate it!).
Breaky is about ‘breaking’ the fast, but it needn’t be damaging, rather reactivating. But it’s also about waking, and it needn’t be ‘fast’! When we spike cortisol too high too quickly and too early, we are showing our body that the day will be a fight or flight day. We’re signalling that we will need a lot of cortisol built from pregnenolone, leaving very little to be converted to progesterone!
In a world full of quick fixes, dopamine highs and cortisol spikes it's important to start the day with whatever brings calm and joy to you. Even with emails, kids, work and a fast paced lifestyle we can try to find 5 minutes just for you to slow down, and that may as well be breakfast done right don’t you think?
Always start first meal of the day with protein and fiber!
Don't drink juices or sweet smoothies (they spike your glucose like crazy)
Breakfast pastry should be a dessert not breakfast. Definitely avoid gluten unless properly prepared and well tolerated. Or not at all. There’s better choices.
The only sugar that's OK to hare is one attached to fiber aka fruit protein and fats.
Most of us (especially women) shouldn't have caffeine before breakfast!